
culture shock是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

culture shock

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culture shockn.

1.文化冲击,文化休克(指在异国生活或访问时的一种困惑不安的感觉)a feeling of confusion and anxiety that sb may feel when they live in or visit another country


n.1.the feelings of confusion and anxiety experienced by somebody suddenly encountering an unfamiliar cultural environment

1.文化冲击 Cross-Training 岗位轮换培训 Culture Shock 文化冲突 Cumulative Trauma Disorder 累积性工伤 ...

5.文化震惊几乎每个留学生都会经历不同程度的文化震惊(culture shock),枫叶的学生也不例外,因为枫叶学校毕竟是在中国而不是国外。 …

6.文化震荡出国门,受到的是文化震荡(culture shock)。入国门,受到的是心灵震荡!

7.文化差异文化差异Culture Shock),也是震撼的来源之一。比如采买制服时,明明都跟供应商谈好了,中途却发现布料被换掉了。


1.With isolation, you try to avoid the effects of culture shock, or at least that's what you think.你想把自己孤立起来以避免文化冲击的影响,至少你是这样认为的。

2.Almost every traveler has had at least one pretty severe bout with what seems to be reverse culture shock.几乎每个旅游者至少都有过一次极为难熬的体验,这似乎是“反文化冲击”所带来的。

3.After you deal with your hostile feelings, recognition of the temporary nature of culture shock begins.在你对付过了自己的敌对情绪后,你就会开始认识到文化冲击的短暂性。

4.It was a real culture shock to find herself in London after living on a small island.在一个小岛上生活过后来到伦敦,她着实感受到了一种文化冲。

5.Results The emotional disturbance was one of the common types of culture shock among nursing students.结果实习护生文化休克类型以情绪障碍型最常见。

6.It was like reverse culture shock for me. I couldn't believe how much food they wasted.这种震惊源于相反的文化,我不敢想象他们居然浪费那么多的食物。

7.I had travelled so there wasn't as great a culture shock as there might have been, but there was some confusion.我经常四处旅游,所以文化冲击没有预期中来得大,但是困惑是免不了的。

8.Something which might also be said of her employer, the venerable Essen-based newspaper giant: "I'm kind of a culture shock for them. "她的老板——可敬的Essen报业的巨擘似乎也说过与她类似的话,“多多少少我要对那些读者造成一种文化冲击。”

9.That was one of my first experiences of culture shock.那是我对文化差异的初体验。

10.(reverse culture shock) refers to the "shock" one experiences upon returning to one's home culture after growing : it used to a new one.(反向文化冲击):它指的是“震惊”一经使用后返回到一个新的增长一对一的家居文化体验。